About Us

Dr Chaudhary Diagnostic center was established in 1997. Initially it was equipped with ULTRASOUND only. In 1998, X-Ray machine was also installed. Facilities provided at center are Routine X-Ray, special Investigations like Intravenous Pyelography, Hysterosalpingography, Barium studies, Sinogram, Fistulogram, Loopogram, Routine Ultrasound, 3D & 4D Ultrasound, Fetal Colour Doppler Study, Biophysical Profile,  Tiffa Study, Vascular Doppler Study, TVS, CT/MRI facility is available in the same compound.

Dr Chaudhary Child Care was established in 2000. OPD facilities for mother child and adolescent girl and boys. Vaccination and day care facilities are available at the center.